the basis of the prediction made in today’s horoscope, it means that the Moon is trine Venus which means that at the current time we let go of something that is no longer relevant.
As we'll see, three signs of the zodiac will ride the Moon trine Venus into a brighter day, and it will be worth it every second. Indeed, we have paid far too much attention to the past, and maybe even too much credit, to it.
We must stop blaming the past for our current situation, and Wednesday is the day we accept responsibility for that.
Based on the analysis of the concepts related to Moon trine Venus it can be concluded that love makes it possible for a person to leave behind the past.
What you will be freeing yourself from on the 17th of July is not the long gone past, but the past that is quite recent. Perhaps the best thing to do at the moment is to live the day to the fullest.
Because you believe that your past has shaped you into the person you are now, Virgo, you would never dream of letting go of the past.
You will feel strongly compelled to do something on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, because the Moon will be in trine with Venus. Release yourself from your past in order to fulif this task effectively should you wish to be free.