According to our astrological charts, the transit of Moon opposing Jupiter helps at least four zodiac signs progress along that route, which we've been working toward for some time.
This transit, Moon opposite Jupiter, makes us realize how we've denied ourselves. All owing to our misguided view of money and wealth.
The 'opposite' component is the key to seeing that riches, wealth, money, and abundance are fine. Exactly what we want.
Let's discern out what your Aquarius personality is truly like and what this fascinating zodiac signal means.
Libra, your life is about to improve due to earlier business decisions. You're only now seeing some of your assets perform well, but you feel like you've got it right financially.
Wednesday, July 17, the Moon opposite Jupiter will bring you profitable and promising opportunities. This isn't only about money; your prosperity will entail money.
Always accepting good news, you know that if it involves money, bring it on. When the universe gives you materialism and you believe in a successful future, you are one with it.